
architecture for people

  I am studying architecture, related to the planning, construction and supervision of buildings. The possibilities of postgraduate studies are related to the development or innovation of some existing or proposed architectural style. It is also related to the conservation of the architectural culture of some locality, with the purpose of preserving the local identity of some culture. This last topic is the one that interests me, because i am passionate about remember through constructions. I like to respect culture, because through culture we can maintain relationships between people, to aim for a more collective society and move away from the individualism and loneliness that society proposes.   Respect for architectural culture, remember customs, growing together with our history are my professional goals. This is why i would like to complete a postgraduate course on history and heritage at the Universidad de Chile, due to the focus of this university, relating architecture to

working since my home

  I would like to work in my own architectural office, have a good team, because i like tidiness. However, this would be momentary, since my greatest desire is to own a business in which i don’t have to move from my home to be with my family. That is my main objective. I always think about the methodology that the average Chilean uses to "live". And i really don't find any sense, because they earn little money, using all his time in work and transportation, and also doesn't take advantage of his family. That's why i don't want to be one more, i want to do things differently to have different results. I think that living to work is not right, because life is very short and we have to know how to plan our future. I would love to travel, but not for work, but with my family or friends. I am currently studying architecture. A career linked to the planning of buildings, which is why it would greatly enrich my knowledge to travel. But as i said before, my goal i

A l m i g h t y 👊👊👊

 When i was a child, i had a lot of dogs, my father was an animal lover, and he always was coming with a dog in his arms. Our house was very big, and our garden had a grass and earth, and the dogs loved this. All my childhood i always had around me the figure of the animal, but not only as "animal", but us part of my family, they had the same respect than the normal people. Personally i consider the dog is the best pet, because they are loyal. I would stay all my life with a dog, and i know that he could never fail me. I remember that when i was younger, one dog bitted me in my ass, but the dog had that reaction because he feel scared for me, i used to be shouter. Now, i think that keep the animals in the zoo is good for the fauna, but not all animals, only animal in danger extinction, because if those animals were free, they would be extinct. Finally i would like to be a lion, because i like to fight with other strong people and also sleep all day, but principally i

The smeel of the cow's milk

  Lately i have often remembered my childhood. I always talk to my friends or family, remembering times gone. I talk about fun situations or family trips that I would like to repeat. The food is my best memory of my childhood, because it transports me to the south, to the river Calle Calle, when we used to prepare a fire on cold nights and share a roasted fish. I remember that I was 10 or 11 years old, my parents and uncles were younger. In general the atmosphere was very entertaining and carefree. I remember that in that river i learned to swim, because it was quiet but sometimes it was very dangerous because of currents. My grandmother was the best swimmier in the family, she had the perfect tecnic for floating. I also remember our walks in the hills and especially the smell of cow's milk.   Every morning my grandmother would prepare breakfast for us, to start with a lot of energy. In conclusion, i believe that my childhood had the best of my life and i remember it with

My best holidays

 I think it is very difficult to decide when my best vacation was, because all of them have been excellent, but if i have memories of vacations that I traveled with all my family and more people (friends of my parents), i think it was in the 2014 in Valdivia.  We arrived at my great-grandfather's house in a small village, near a river. We all stayed in the same house for more than a month. I remember that everything was very crazy, something funny always happened when we went for a walk in the mountains.  I never forget when my uncle fall and rolled . She threw everyone in line and we fell like a ball. I also remember the fishing trips in the river, they were quiet and silent afternoons. The best part was when we catch some fish. I remember that we all ate from a couple of fish, it was little but it was very symbolic.  I would love to be able to repeat these situations, but the house is gone and we are not all here.

Brazil and his people

I've always dreamed of traveling to Brazil, because when i see pictures of that place, i want to live there, meet the people, the beaches, the climate, and mainly to know the culture of sport. Brazil is known for its high performance in sports, that is why i would like to learn how the sportsmen of that country live and train. I have a friend who lived there, and he always tell me that life is so hard in Brazil. The "favelas" are one of the places that i would like to know , because of their history and because of the reality of their country. My family always tell me that is so dangerous, but i like dangerous things and i like to know other realities, to value my life and my loved ones more. The people, their landscapes and the sport (voleibol) are my main motivations, i hope some day to travel with some friendship and nothing bad happen to me