architecture for people


I am studying architecture, related to the planning, construction and supervision of buildings. The possibilities of postgraduate studies are related to the development or innovation of some existing or proposed architectural style. It is also related to the conservation of the architectural culture of some locality, with the purpose of preserving the local identity of some culture.

This last topic is the one that interests me, because i am passionate about remember through constructions. I like to respect culture, because through culture we can maintain relationships between people, to aim for a more collective society and move away from the individualism and loneliness that society proposes. 

Respect for architectural culture, remember customs, growing together with our history are my professional goals. This is why i would like to complete a postgraduate course on history and heritage at the Universidad de Chile, due to the focus of this university, relating architecture to people, and not to money.

I would like to study in person, because i believe that teachers and professionals can better transmit their knowledge with me. Maybe it would be good to travel abroad, to get to know some country that is characterized giving value to its culture, for example Mexico or Spain. And thus learn how they do it and what are their methodologies to put in value the history and culture of their country.

I had never really thought about these topics, but i must admit that i have already implicitly clear about it. I know that my mission with architecture is linked to people and their history. To value people's experiences with a building, and to provide a space that it brings to the community.


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